পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার
Sundarban Police District


Missing Statement
Statement of Total Number of Missing/ Traced Persons Last 4 Years
Year Sex Total Number of Untraced persons brought forward from previous year Number of persons reported missing during the year Total number of persons missing Total number of traced persons during the year Total number of Untraced missing persons 
2020 Male 1604 655 2259 437 1822
Female 2074 837 2911 573 2338
Total 3678 1492 5170 1010 4160
2021 Male 1822 784 2606 565 2041
Female 2340 1081 3421 753 2668
Transgender 0 1 1 1 0
Total 4162 1866 6027 1318 4709
2022 Male 2041 262 2303 249 2054
Female 2668 1074 3742 1177 2565
Total 4709 1336 6045 1426 4619
2023 Male 2054 290 2344 422 1922
Female 2565 1177 3742 1566 2176
Total 4619 1467 6086 1988 4098
2024 Male 1922 186 2108 111 1997
Female 2176 764 2940 1079 1861
Total 4098 950 5048 1190 3858